Why Join?

With over 25 years of coaching expertise, I've pinpointed key exercises that benefit 99% of outdoor enthusiasts—exercises that are often overlooked. Whether you enjoy trekking, hiking, or trail running, regular training with these targeted drills can dramatically reduce your injury risk and unlock your true potential. That's exactly why I crafted this 30-Day Challenge.

The Secret Sauce:

  • Daily routines of targeted techniques, drills, and exercises.

  • Solutions to address common imbalances and enhance mobility.

  • Strategies to significantly improve your hip mobility, knee strength, core control, and balance.

Jon Thomas (53 years)

"I'm really enjoying it because, I feel that I'm getting stronger.

In the Aftermath of doing the Ironman I had really tight adductors, really sore hips, but they're all loosening up. So, whatever I've been doing has really helped. I couldn't cross my legs without it. without it causing a bit of pain. So now it's just all loosening up and strengthening in each side is it feels good."

Freelance Audio Engineer, UK - Outdoor Activities

Get Started Now!

Join us today and start your journey to becoming mountain-strong and injury-free. I can’t wait to watch as you

transform your abilities on the trails and in the hills!

Cecilla Tarrant (63 years)

"The program's flexibility was crucial for me. It allowed me to fit my training around my busy schedule effectively, which helped me stay consistent with my workouts. The online community aspect of Joe's Basecamp made me feel supported and part of a group, even though I was training on my own in Auckland. It was motivating to see others pursuing their adventurous goals."

Business Woman / Chancellor Auckland University - Trekking June 2023

David Gordon (57 Years)

"Joe's remote training program exceeded my expectations. His consistent support and expert advice kept me motivated and on track, proving distance is no barrier to effective coaching. Finding a trainer like Joe, who combines personal attention with deep expertise in mountaineering, has been invaluable. I think I've got the strongest and fittest I've got since my back surgery three years ago."

Real Estate Agent, Byron Bay Australia - Mountaineering

June 2023

Heather Rickard

“I found a unique specialist trainer/mentor in Joe, who was there for me every step of the way. I got a program that I was able to stick to and every bit of knowledge I needed to successfully achieve my goal of summiting Kilimanjaro. I was clearly better prepared than anyone on our expedition. Thanks Joe you are the best and everything that you are planning to provide fellow adventurers this year is so exciting!”

Mount Kilimanjaro

Peter Cook (63 years)

" I feel now the best I have felt physically since I left the Royal Marines. I’m not just training; I’m preparing for a life where in the future I can be an active grandfather, a supportive husband, and continue my adventures. Joe’s coaching has been invaluable in this journey."

Marine Security Consultant / Lecturer - Mountain Biking, Ski Touring, Pack Rafting March 2022